As Salam Mosque in Santiago - Chile


As-Salam Mosque in Santiago - Chile

Mezquita As-Salam es un lugar de culto para los seguidores de la fe islámica, fue la primera mezquita construida en Chile. Está ubicada en Campoamor nº 2975 esquina Av. Chile España, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. Su planificación comenzó en 1986 por el arquitecto es William Tapia Chuaqui y su construcción en 1988 por iniciativa del jeque Taufiq Rumie, quien dirigió la comunidad musulmana Chilena. Terminando su construcción en 1990.;


Address:Mezquita As-Salam
Campoamor 2975
Región Metropolitana

Map for Mezquita As-Salam

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  1. saia says:

    my sis planning to come in this are plz guide me complete May Allah reward u alot Ameen

  2. Kamal akhtar says:

    Assalamu alaikum we are Indian Muslims so I need information about Pakistani or Indian Muslims because I'm planning to shift in Santiago . My email ID :

  3. Ayan ahmad says:

    I need to Pakistan people masjid

  4. Mustafa says:

    Slaam alikom.. Please I need some information or contact Muslims people who speaks arabic to get some information about when we move to Chile we are a a Palestinian family planning inchalah to move to Chile jazakmo Allah koln khair

  5. khan says:

    we are planing to travel santiago chile please book hotel for us two week with muslim foods, do you have any such pakistani contact who is living over there santiago chile island.we will discusion all the matter before to travel.if do you have any pakistani citiezen contact number near to mosques hotel muslime food arrangemet its great hounabels for us please provide his contact number....... with best regards khan


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