Reykjavik Mosque in Iceland


Reykjavík Mosque (Icelandic: Moskan í Reykjavík Arabic: Masjid an-nuur The Mosque of the Light) is a Sunni mosque and gathering area for Muslims in Iceland. It is located in the Ármúli district. The mosque was opened in 2002 by the Islamic Association of Iceland after requesting the city government to build a mosque in 2000,[1] although the city government still has not given any response to the building of a mosque. The Reykjavík Mosque is funded by the Association of Muslims in Iceland. It offers Friday Juma prayers every week and it is open for prayers nightly also. There are two imams, Salmann Tamimi a Palestinian immigrant who is also president of the Association of Muslims in Iceland, and an imam from Algeria. During Ramadan, a sheikh from Libya joins and leads the taraweeh prayers. In January 2009, a new wooden altar was built by members of the association.;


Address:Reykjavík Mosque
3 hæð – 3rd floor
Ármúli 38
Reykjavík, Iceland

Map Reykjavík Mosque

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  1. Are there halal restaurant there.


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