• Alaeddin Mosque in Konya - Turkey

    Completed in 1220, the Alaeddin Camii is the oldest known Seljuk mosque in Turkey. It is built into the hill that forms the citadel of Konya; its pointed arch and round domes atop two tombs are prominent features in Konya's cityscape. With the exception of Izzeddin Keykavus, all of the Seljuk sultans after 1156 are interred in the complex.

    Its obl [Read More]

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  • Minsk Mosque in Belarus

    Turkish and Belarussian leaders inaugurated Minsk Mosque in the eponymous capital of the eastern European country on Friday in a grand ceremony. The mosque, a replica of the original one built in 19th century and destroyed during the Soviet era five decades ago, was built by Diyanet Foundation linked to Turkey's state-run Presidency of Religious Affairs. [Read More]

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  • Ar Rahma Mosque in Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

    أول مسجد في العالم يبنى على سطح البحر، يستقبل الحجاج والمعتمرين لزيارته ويعتبر من أهم المعالم في جدة، حيث وصل عدد زوار المسجد في عام 2009 إلى 20.000 زائر من الحجاج والمعتمرين من جميع الجنسيات المختلفة.

    المسجد هو مزيج رائع للعمارة الحديثة والقديمة والفن الإسلامي ولقد بني بأحدث التقنيات والمعدات وبأنظمة صوت وإضاءة متطورة. يتكون من 52 قبة خارجية تحيط [Read More]

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  • Baitur Rauf Mosque in Dhaka - Bangladesh

    Bait Ur Rouf Mosque - Bangaldesh

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  • Muhammadi Mosque in Kota Bharu - Malaysia

    Muhammadi Mosque was built in 1867 from premium wood during the reign of Sultan Muhammad II (1830-1886). The renovation works to transform the then wooden building to the present concrete building was made in 1922 and was officially opened on Friday 31st July, 1931 by his royal highness sultan Ismail and named masjid Muhammadi.

    Numerous further exte [Read More]

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  • Abbasi Mosque in Bahawalpur - Pakistan

    Abbasi Mosque in Bahawalpur was constructed with cupolas and domes of exquisite marble by Nawab Bahawal Khan in 1849.

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  • Rooty Hill Mosque in Sydney - Australia

    Rooty Hill Mosque in Sydney - Australia

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  • Uthman Bin Affan Mosque in Cabramatta - Australia

    Othman Bin Affan Mosque (also known as Cabramatta Mosque) is one of three mosques around the Fairfield City region. The Mosque is open for the five daily prayers and conducts weekly lectures in Arabic, English and Tajweed classes for youth and adults. The Mosque has a gym for the use of all Muslims. Also Fortnightly youth activity days, mums and bubs playg [Read More]

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  • Tok Kenali Mosque in Kelantan - Malaysia

    Tok Kenali Mosque in Kelantan - Malaysia

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  • Agung Darussalam Mosque in Purbalingga - Indonesia

    Masjid Agung Purbalingga adalah sebuah masjid yang berada di Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Masjid ini diresmikan oleh Gubernur Jawa Tengah dan dipugar oleh Bupati Purbalingga, Drs. Triyono Budi Sasongko, MSi. Dengan arsitektur yang mengadopsi Masjid Nabawi di Madinah dan berdaya tampung hingga 2500 orang.

    Masjid ini berada di kawasan tengah kota Purbalingg [Read More]

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  • Princess Latifa Bint Sultan Mosque in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia

    Princess Latifa Bint Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Mosque
    يُعد جامع الأميرة لطيفة بنت سلطان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود من أحدث الجوامع في مدينة الرياض وتم افتتاحه بتاريخ 28/ 8/ 1434هـ، في حفل حضره عضو هيئة كبار العلماء والمستشار في الديوان الملكي الشيخ الدكتور عبدالله بن محمد المطلق والأمير سعود بن فيصل بن مشعل. بُني الجامع على نفقة مؤسسة الأميرة لطيفة بنت سلطان بن عبدا [Read More]

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  • Hamam Mosque in Peje - Kosovo

    Hamam Xhamia është ndërtuar rreth vitit 1587. Ajo gjendet në pjesën e vjetër të qytetit në lagjen e “Haxhi Zekës”, afër Hamamit të Haxhi beut dhe ndërtesës së Shkollës së parë shqipe në Pejë. Xhamia hyn në radhën e monumenteve të vjetra historike të trashëgimisë kulturore, jo vetëm për qytetin e Pejës por tërë Kosovës. Xhamia njihet me emrin Bulla Zade Hasan [Read More]

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