• Agung Darussalam Mosque in Purbalingga - Indonesia

    Masjid Agung Purbalingga adalah sebuah masjid yang berada di Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Masjid ini diresmikan oleh Gubernur Jawa Tengah dan dipugar oleh Bupati Purbalingga, Drs. Triyono Budi Sasongko, MSi. Dengan arsitektur yang mengadopsi Masjid Nabawi di Madinah dan berdaya tampung hingga 2500 orang.

    Masjid ini berada di kawasan tengah kota Purbalingg [Read More]

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  • Princess Latifa Bint Sultan Mosque in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia

    Princess Latifa Bint Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Mosque
    يُعد جامع الأميرة لطيفة بنت سلطان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود من أحدث الجوامع في مدينة الرياض وتم افتتاحه بتاريخ 28/ 8/ 1434هـ، في حفل حضره عضو هيئة كبار العلماء والمستشار في الديوان الملكي الشيخ الدكتور عبدالله بن محمد المطلق والأمير سعود بن فيصل بن مشعل. بُني الجامع على نفقة مؤسسة الأميرة لطيفة بنت سلطان بن عبدا [Read More]

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  • Hamam Mosque in Peje - Kosovo

    Hamam Xhamia është ndërtuar rreth vitit 1587. Ajo gjendet në pjesën e vjetër të qytetit në lagjen e “Haxhi Zekës”, afër Hamamit të Haxhi beut dhe ndërtesës së Shkollës së parë shqipe në Pejë. Xhamia hyn në radhën e monumenteve të vjetra historike të trashëgimisë kulturore, jo vetëm për qytetin e Pejës por tërë Kosovës. Xhamia njihet me emrin Bulla Zade Hasan [Read More]

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  • Nogent le Rotrou Mosque in France

    Nogent le Rotrou Mosque in France

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  • Al Islah Mosque in Punggol - Singapore

    Masjid Al-Islah – Singapore’s 69th mosque – serves the rapidly expanding community of Punggol in north-eastern Singapore. Open less than a year, it has quickly become the popular epicentre of Punggol’s growing and tightly-knit Malay Muslim community. The mosque, measuring 3,700 square metres, was designed for 4,500 worshippers – and is at times bursting at [Read More]

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  • Hassan Enany Mosque in Jeddah - Saudi Arabia

    Hassan Enany Mosque in Jeddah
    The mosque is located on the Corniche in Jeddah at the intersection of East Street with red Corniche, Jeddah road.

    Established by Sheikh Hassan Mohammed Khalil Anani was starting its inception in 1982 and ended in the month of August 1985

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  • Nasreen Mosque in San Luis - United States

    Located at 1136 Walnut Street lies the Mosque of Nasreen. This building stands out for its beautiful architecture, prominent presence, and lovely entry way with a serene fountain.

    Mosque of Nasreen was opened in June of 2008, this mosque was built in the memory of Nasreen Iqbal (June 1942 - September 1997), wife of Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal and mother of Ume [Read More]

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  • Islamic Center Of Vallejo - United States

    The Islamic Center of Vallejo-Benicia is a mosque and gathering place to a diverse and dynamic community composed of, among others, indigenous Muslims and immigrants. The masjid is nestled on an 1.37 acre-lot with ample parking and a building that accommodates nearly 600 congregants.

    The masjid consists of a 9,355 sq. foot building providing a mai [Read More]

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  • Katara Mosque in Doha - Qatar

    Katara Mosque in Doha - Qatar
    The Katara Mosque really is spectacular. It is a considerable break from the usual quasi-historic mosques that have been built in the Waqif Souq area.

    Katara mosque is might not be as large as a huge grand mosque, but the color, design and patterned tiles represent its uniqueness.

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  • Manbail Khairat Mosque in Ratchaburi - Thailand

    Manbail Khairat Mosque in Ratchaburi - Thailand

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  • Atik Mosque in Gjilan - Kosovo

    Atik Mosque in Gjilan - Kosovo
    Atik Xhamia, ndryshe e njohur si Xhamia e Medresesë, është ndërtuar në shekullin XVII. Është xhamia e parë e ndërtuar në qytet. Shënimet flasin për përfundimin e punimeve në vitin 1606, por hasen edhe shkrime që flasin për vitin 1609. E rëndësishme është se Atik Xhamia është ndërtuar në gjysmën e dytë të dhjetëvjetëshit të p [Read More]

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  • Grand Mosque in Orly - France

    Mosquée d'Orly | Association Socio-culturelle des Musulmans d'Orly

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